Some of us can remember Adam Sandler’s heyday with movies like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, and the like. One phrase that has stuck with me is from his movie Anger Management, where the people in anger management treatment use the term ‘Goosfraba’ to calm themselves down.
In the wild world of real estate things can wrong frequently, and quickly. It is essential to keep your cool, and view things in an objective manner to make strong decisions. Too often, you see the frazzled agent running around like a chick with their head cut off proclaiming the sky is falling. Is it really?
Most times the problems or ‘fires to be put out’ are miner issues that can be managed with a cool head, or even ignored and compartmentalized until later. So, next time you’ve got an annoying client or something that goes wrong, as it will, keep calm and carry on (as the Brits say). You will be glad you did, and all parties involved will thank you later.