Trust the Process

As Americans, we are highly suspicious of authority, no matter the form: government, teachers, employers, etc. Today’s blog may seem counterintuitive to many renegades and entrepreneurs, but it is imperative that employees and clients understand the process by which you operate. It also needs to be communicated frequently to ensure there are no misunderstandings.

When creating processes by which you operate your business or personal life, there is a window where you may feel it is no working, or you are not reaping benefits quite yet. While you shouldn’t stick to one particular process forever if you aren’t getting results, it takes time and many iterations to improve processes. Once you have identified a process or system that works and is generating good results, it is clear that you must stick with it.

The phrase from Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” is a good example of how you need to communicate these processes with all. If you don’t let the individual know Why they should trust the process, then you are unlikely to get any adherence to it. Implementing processes can be very difficult, and one good resource as a small business owner or employee is the book Traction by Gino Wickman. It is an all encompassing system, Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), to run your business affairs, and can have tremendous result if you stick with it. In our own business, there have been instances where implementing the system has proven difficult, but we have trusted the EOS process and have started to see measurable results. Give it a read, and most importantly, stick with whatever method you have determine will bring the measurable results.


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