Set YOUR Rules of Engagement
In the modern world of technology, there are dozens of distractions, especially true with all the freaking communication platforms. How can you possibly get your work done with customers, employees, family, friends constantly bombarding you via phone, text, email, Slack, social media, and more?
The solution is set your own rules of engagement for how everyone should communicate with you. Dozens of time management books out there state that time blocking is an effective way to avoid distractions, and that multi-tasking leads to diminished productivity. But what about the people that you interact with on a daily basis? Well, you should have boundaries for how you want them to communicate with you and not tolerate anything less.
There are tons of people that demand your time on a daily basis, and will frequently test you. Personally, I think that the “open door” management style is foo-foo BS that will drive you up a wall and lead to you getting no work done. My favorite author, Dan Kennedy, calls these people that constantly interrupt you “time vampires” because they suck your time away from you, as a vampire sucks blood.
For your own sanity in 2023, set communication boundaries for yourself if you really want to achieve your goals. I am essentially unavailable to the world during my allocated prospecting time, and unless it is blood or death, I don’t want to hear about it. I suggest you do the same.