Are You Adding Value?
Being an entrepreneur, I often run in circles of other small business owners and like-minded folk. Many discussions revolve around getting out the nitty gritty and working “on the business”. It seems like everyone wants to spend their time with their minds in the clouds making executive level decisions to drive business forward.
First things first, I’m not saying you can spend your entire career not delegating certain tasks. What I’m saying is that each time you delegate a specific task or job, you better get your a** up to speed and deliver some real value to your company in that new position. Elon Musk claims to work 120 hour works after taking over Twitter, and I certainly don’t doubt it based on the dude’s track record. His end-goal was never to delegate every responsibility and sip margarites in the sunset, which is why he’s one of the richest people on the planet… he continues to add real value when he delegates a task.
Whether it’s sales and marketing, or taking over operations, you better make sure that you are making it rain or finding some true cost efficiencies. Infamous entrepreneur Alex Hormozi says he’s trying to make active management cool again, rather than collecting income passively and getting rich slowly. Unfortunately, most people can’t handle this simple truth.