Book Review: Never Finished by David Goggins

Some books are tough to power through, while others are page-turners that you can’t put down. David Goggins’ book Never Finished is the latter. Detailed with his past childhood traumas and how that has shaped him today, to ultra-marathons (100+ miles) he’s run and pain he endured.

In Goggins’ words, he set a goal is his 20’s to mentally be one the hardest mother F’ers on the planet. Going through Hell Week is Navy SEAL training 3 times, he’s been through some tough feats. He details many strategies that you can do to mentally improve yourself, and take back your life if you’ve become a soft, lazy unrecognizable version of yourself.

While many self-help books get you thinking, this one makes you look in the mirror to figure out why it is you’re not operating at 100%. His tone is brash to say the least, with F bombs scattered throughout the book, and it isn’t the wake up call that many are able to digest. But if you want to be a true SAVAGE, in Goggins’ words, you have take inventory of your life and push yourself harder than you could possibly imagine. This isn’t the kind of guy who talks about “work / life balance” or any type of excuse making. He even shows you how to deal with past traumas and use them to your advantage as fuel.

Heck, it inspired me to jog 5 miles to work today in the cold rain… with a smile on my face. As Goggins would say, Stay Hard!


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