Does Staging Really Work?

Many people often wonder when deciding if they should invest in home staging, does it really work?

This is a good question because you want to put your money where your mouth is, and having a professional home stager enhance the aesthetic of your property could put some serious dough in your pocket.

It comes in two forms:

  1. Less Time on Market: According to the Real Estate Staging Association, staged homes spend 73% fewer days on market than un-staged homes. That means that your typical Chicago home spending 65 days on market will sell in only 18 days! Our recent stagings are in-line with this statistic, spending 64% fewer days on market than Chicago’s average.

  2. Increase in Sales Price: According to a study by HomeLight Agent Insights, 51% of agents say staging increases the sale price of a home as much as 10%. Think about that for a moment. How nice would it be to put tens of thousands of dollars more in your pocket from hiring a professional stager?

As I always say, home staging is cheaper than your first price reduction. If it makes dollars, then it make sense!


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