Don’t Make Me Niche Slap You
As a business owner, we can tend to say yes to every new customer or client, regardless of what they are looking for, where they’re located, etc. The old adage when asked who your ideal client is and said person answers, “Anyone who will pay me.” is the fastest way to build a really crappy business.
You simply cannot be everything to everyone and give them all good services or products, it’s impossible. Given face value, do you think a “Time Management” book or “Time Management for Single Mother Realtors in Greater Chicago” is going to be more valuable to their end customer? I’ll bet my life savings the latter.
This is of paramount importance when trying to build your business because you will often find that “nicheing down” will result in greater profit and better clients. If you’re a realtor, serving potential customers in Northwest Indiana as well as Vernon Hills will result in burnout and average service to your customers, at best. Finding your ideal client avatar and then building your business around that avatar is the quickest way to build a wildly successful business that you actually enjoy running.