Learn To Say No

The times have certainly changed fast over the last 20 years in terms of how we live our lives. The internet, social media, emails… and the list goes on and on. No more are the days where you could leave work at work and relax at home. We are constantly bombarded by calls, texts, emails, Instagram posts, and the never ending barrage of junk that steals our time.

Famed investor Warren Buffett has coined his success with saying “No” to almost every investment opportunity the comes across his desk, and going all-in on those that he deems to successful. The same goes for successful housewives, businessmen, corporate warriors, and the like. The people that truly make it to the top, or find great success and joy in what they do, say no to all of the fluff or BS that doesn’t bring them fulfillment or truly move them towards their goals.

Most people never take inventory of all the things they are saying “Yes” to, whether it is networking events, happy hours, making plans with friends/family, or taking on additional (unprofitable) clients. When I asked a business owner, “Who are your ideal customers?” and he replied “Anyone that gives me money" I knew he was stretched too thin.

Doing a real audit of how you are spending your time, and then removing those that are not moving you towards your goals or peace of mind can be truly life changing. Instead of attending that networking event where the chance of you meeting a legitimate client is slim, why not go to the gym instead so that you are consistently healthy and productive? This way you can actually put that time into an endeavor that moves the needle. This is the real way to escape the rat race.


Run On The Bank!


You Are Only as Strong As Your Weakest Link