People Don’t Like to Be Sold, But They Love to Buy

One of my favorite sales “gurus” is Jeffrey Gitomer. He wrote the best selling book, ‘Little Red Book of Selling’ and has a no-nonsense demeanor that resonates with many salespeople. The title of today’s blog is a fascinating matter, and proves accurate, when dealing with potential buyers.

Have you ever been to used car dealership to make a potential purchase. Chances are you experience a high pressure situation that made you uncomfortable because the salespeople was trying to sell you. This is often why people exclaim, “I need to think about it”. They have been backed into a corner by someone who makes their living on a commission basis, and you feel literally feel if they are having a good sales month or bad sales month.

The ideal scenario is guiding prospects through the process and showcasing the benefits of your product or service, rather than the features. This marks a huge difference in the way most market their products or services by proclaiming our service has X, Y, Z features. Instead, focus on helping the prospect envision their ideal outcome and paint that picture in their mind. At that point, the prospect turns into a ready and willing buyer that wants to buy and have sold themselves!




Persistence Reigns