Red Hot Market!

While the economy continues to plug along, we are bombarded by constant media ads that the world is ending, WW3 is eminent, and that we are doomed for a deep recession. Personally, I don’t buy it. Our warehouse is across the street from a cement factory and they seem to be busier than ever… meaning, there is still market activity.

Same goes with the housing market. It may not be the activity we were seeing during the pandemic with skyrocketing prices, but properties changing hands is still there. We’re seeing an incredible spring market from a staging perspective and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

Call it what you may, but maybe the Fed does know what they’re doing for the time being. Inflation doesn’t seem the be settling down too much, which could hurt buyers. Only time will tell if supply and demand come back, but get it while you can baby!


The Pumpkin Plan


Book Review: Psycho-Cybernetics