The Average 5 Around You
In the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” This can be summed up in many different axioms, ranging from your health all the way to your bank account balance. It just so happens that your parents didn’t want you hanging around the wrong crowd for a reason.
So often in real estate or entrepreneurship, we keep friendships and relationships that are no longer serving us. Many folks are simply to afraid to end relationships, even if they are killing them (think heavy drinking buddy). While the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, due to ‘initiative inequality' and making poor decisions from those have influence you.
I am not saying tell your negative uncle to f*** off and avoid seeing him at Thanksgiving, but it’s probably time you get a grip on your long term goals, and check to see if those around you are helping you get there. Just some food for thought.